Monday, August 13, 2007

As video cameras have gotten smaller and smaller, their ability to invade our lives has grown bigger and bigger. So anytime we go out in public, we can't have a careless moment. You might just go home and see yourself scratching your butt on the local news.

It also means you can kind of screw with people. A co-worker of mine has a son whose Little League team won the Southeast Regional Tournament and is now heading at Williamsport. During the deciding game, my co-worker was shown high-fiving other parents after her son got a crucial hit. It was a nice scene of maternal pride.

Of course, I found a way to undercut that. When my co-worker returned, I couldn't wait to talk to her.

"You know you were on TV, right?" I said. "But did everybody else tell you that it was when your boy got that hit? They were just being nice. What was really on the tube was you returning from a beer run. A little old lady accidentally bumped into you, causing a small amount of beer to spill. You looked at her for a second and then decked her with a haymaker that would have stunned an ox. I mean, we're talking the De Niro blood spew in Raging Bull. It was awesome."


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